Whenever you are inclined to doubt the excesses in the securities markets, you need only look as far as NCAA bonds. No, these bonds have nothing to do with college sports. In this case, NCAA stands for "No Coupon At All." These are high...
Never has there been a more artificial—-indeed, phony—–gain in the stock market than the 215% eruption orchestrated by the Fed since the post-crisis bottom six years ago today. And the operative word is “orchestrated&rdquo...
Wealth preservation strategies have failed historically by either not taking enough risk or taking too much risk in one area. The solution is to balance the risks taken for better outcomes in a full range of market environments.
When I'm in my sales role, I view every prospective client as falling into one of two broad baskets: those looking for a reason to say yes, and those looking for a reason to say no. I always try to focus on the former and spend little time on the...
And, Thursday morning's banner headline in MarketWatch.com was a perfect example of the depths to which the financial media has fallen-"Mark Cuban: This tech bubble is 'far worse' than back in 2000." I thought we might have seen the worst of this...
Let's face facts. The market is standing on stilts trying to catch itself from falling. Its safety net supporting prices have not been excess cash flow (leading to generous dividends) or higher earnings. Instead, companies are increasingly relying...
While winter weather will likely distort first-quarter economic data, accommodative monetary policy around the world means the long-term outlook remains positive