The hedge fund industry is not perfect, but neither are the capital markets, which is why we have numerous regulators around the world overseeing the industry.
Last week could be best wrapped up by a heat map of the ETF universe, unless it was inverse or tied to volatility, it was nothing but shades of green last week as the FOMC officially ran out of patience but the doves delivered an unexpected...
Brothers from another mother.
What’s the difference? Financial advisor Allan Roth argues on (of all places) that ETFs are great, but in essence, similar Vanguard ETFs and mutual funds are "simply different share classes" of the sam...
Well, it didn't take long for the bulls to jump on their buying opportunity, with a little help from the bulls' friend in the Fed. In fact, despite huge daily swings in the market averages driven by daily news regarding timing of interest...
According to an article recently published by the Office of Financial Research, the "current bull market is longer and larger than historical bull markets" at 72 months (211% return) with the average being 55 months (165% return). The...
Wall Street's week ahead features more March Madness, but not of the NCAA basketball variety that likely kept most of Wall Street entertained all weekend. Rather, our version of March madness is being served up by the Federal Reserve...
Clear as mud.
After topping $2 trillion in U.S. assets, the ETF market still remains a mystery to many investors. In a recent survey by Fidelity and BlackRock, less than one-third (32 percent) of individual investors currently own ETFs in ...