Probably more than 70 percent of active money managers’ returns can be attributed to the portfolio manager’s use of factor tilts, or so called “smart beta” strategies, according to BlackRock managing director and former...
Negative interest rates might actually be good for gold prices, writes Alex Rosenberg on CNBC. Rosenberg argues that ultra-low inflation (rising inflation is typically needed for gold to rise, hence the long-term dip in gold prices) could sen...
Fixed income is one of the untapped corners of the smart beta market, and we should expect to see more fixed income strategies launched in the space, according to a panel at TD Ameritrade Institutional’s National LINC conference on Thursday...
The next generation? | Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Thinkstock
Financial advisors should fear not just the current iteration of robo advisors, but also what they could become, writes Russ Alan Prince for Forbes. He said that while robo adviso...
Simple and straightforward is the way to go, particularly given the shaky start to the year.
They're just like the rest of us.
TD Ameritrade said millennials were invested heavily in individual stocks last year, representing 28 percent of new accounts opened at TD in 2015. Millennial investors really aren’t as different as some su...
The urge to store oil is irresistible.