Pittsburgh financial advisor ordered to pay fine for fleecing pro athletes, index funds are blamed for something else now. and the wealthy still use travel agents.
Plaintiffs claimed First Eagle charged them more than what it made as a subadvisor for a similar fund. On Wednesday, they dismissed the action with prejudice.
Expect the longer-living, higher-saving baby boomers to keep any upward pressure on interest rates at the margin, says Informa’s chief macro strategist, David Ader.
Lack of ‘dumb money’ and volatility makes computer strategies stumble.
Almost $500 billion flowed from active to passive funds in the first half of 2017, and index followers have grown to account for more than a third of all assets under management in the U.S.
Bullion has climbed 11 percent in 2017, overtaking the S&P 500 index .