Are these your clients? | Copyright Joe Raedle, Getty Images
Take a look at your clients. Are they fat? In good shape? Now look at their portfolios. See any correlation? According to a new study performed by TD Bank, the more physically fit someo...
Row, row, row your boat. | Copyright Christopher Lee, Getty Images
Despite a tumble in value, attacks from hackers and legal scandals, Bitcoin is still garnering the attention of the infamous Winklevoss twins. The former Olympic hopeful duo ...
Stock picking = monkey business? | Copyright Keystone, Getty Images
Forget picking stocks and stick to passive, index-based funds, says Princeton University professor Burton Malkiel on “A blindfolded monkey could select a portf...
The debacle surrounding the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) end to the euro/swiss Franc (EUR/CHF) currency peg has caused significant market volatility and counterparty defaults, and yet most financial pundits are suggesting that we simply move...