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Preqin reports that endowment plans accounted for one of the smaller portions of this investor universe, at 2 percent.
Wealth management firms tied with endowment plans for another 2 percent share of the $1 billion and more market.
Superannuation schemes made up 3 percent of the super-investors.
Sovereign wealth funds accounted for another 3 percent share of this universe.
Banks, including investment banks, accounted for 4 percent of institutional investors with $1 billion and more in commercial real estate allocations.
Companies Preqin described as “other” made up a 6 percent share of the market.
Private sector pension funds were among the biggest investors in the $1 billion and more bracket, at 20 percent.
Insurance companies came in second, with a 21 percent share of the whole.
The biggest investors active in the space, however, are public pension funds, with a whopping 28 percent share of that universe.