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"Use" Tax Tips for Large Overseas Purchases"Use" Tax Tips for Large Overseas Purchases

Overseas purchases can get you in hot water with tax authorities.

September 20, 2022

1 Min Read
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If you have purchased goods from overseas vendors and had them imported to the U.S., you may have a use tax liability. Purchases from domestic sellers can also trigger a use tax liability if they fail to charge the proper rate of tax, or you transport the item to a state with a higher tax rate than the one you purchased it in.  
Registrants will learn:

  • Circumstances under which they will likely owe use taxes when they purchase goods from overseas or domestic sellers.

  • How they can avoid interest and penalties on unpaid use taxes.

  • What to do when making purchases (especially of higher dollar-value items) that will be shipped from the seller to another state that may have a higher use tax.

Download the white paper to learn more.