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NO recommendations in IRAs?

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Feb 11, 2009 4:59 pm
Spaceman Spiff:

[quote=Gone Indy][quote=Spaceman Spiff][quote=outofjail]Just put all your clients in “Putnam Built for Balance” portfolio, Edwards and Jones loves it.

  Sorry, Jones dropped Putnam from the preferred status a couple of years ago and stopped following them altogether last year.  If I remember correctly, those portfolios didn't do all that bad from a performance standpoint.  [/quote]   Are you freakin serious?  Not all that bad?  Compared to what...the other six "preferred" fund families?[/quote] My apologies.  I haven't looked at or sold any Putnam funds for a while.  Even when they were still a part of the preferred list.  But, I do remember looking at the built for balance portfolio a few years ago and thinking that it wasn't horrible.  It wasn't good enough for me to use, but it wasn't the worst I'd seen.    [/quote]   Man you smart Spiff!
Feb 11, 2009 6:38 pm


Please go back to jail. thank you.
Feb 11, 2009 7:17 pm
Gone Indy:

[quote=B24]They do?  Is that why we kicked Putnam out of our program and have a SELL recommendation on their funds?

  Now all you Jonies can go back and sell the Putnam and put your client's in another "preferred" family for 5.75%...great for the client!!!![/quote]   Never sold Putnam.  Never would.