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Michael Moore Film on Financial Industry

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Feb 20, 2009 4:29 pm

I heard is next doc. is about how those evil babies are running capitalism into the ground with their subliminal diaper commercials!

  Hey Michael, sweet jean jacket... it would look great under the wheelwell of my Yukon!
Feb 20, 2009 11:22 pm

Well, people are still buying guns and cars despite “Bowling for Columbine” and “Roger and Me.” I don’t imagine people will turn away from the financial industry because of his movie. I like the guy and like his movies, the guy’s got balls to pose the questions he does. You can’t tell me the scene in “Bowling” with Charlton Heston wasn’t classic.

Face it, the guy is a great capitalist. He’ll make a movie that millions of people will pay $10 to watch and talk about for a month. He’ll get richer, I’ll have great stuff to discuss with my clients and prospects, and a month after its release, all will be normal again.

We get all bent out of shape because he’s coming down on our industry. People SHOULD question our industry. We should question everything, for that matter. And if we are ethical, as I believe the majority in our industry are, we’ll have answers that people can understand and that make sense. I won’t take responsibility for the sins of others in my industry, but I’ll take responsibility for my actions all day long - and that’s pretty easy to do.

Now that I think about, maybe I can make my own movie. Anybody wanna invest?

Feb 20, 2009 11:37 pm

mojo - I agree with you that people should question our industry - but for someone who takes facts and twists them or who sometiems disregards them completely. - there is a credibility issue.  if his movies were marketed as fiction and not “exposing the CORRUPTION of WALL Street”, then i wouldn’t have a problem with it.  But he has an agenda (I know, everyone else does too), and he doesn’t let the facts get in the way of his agenda.

  He's a freakin' fat ass tool.  And he is certainly no capitalist - he takes advantage of the capitalist system - but he is certainly no capitalist.
Feb 21, 2009 12:00 am

mojo - I agree with you that people should question our industry - but for someone who takes facts and twists them or who sometiems disregards them completely. - there is a credibility issue. DIV]

And this is why his movie will be good for conversation, and not bad for our business. I can poke holes in his agenda all day long, but I can also see that despite the slanted agenda, he'll have some valid points.

And I do still think he's a capitalist. He finds a need (i.e. the public's growing need to transfer blame for just about everything) and he fills it by making a movie that does exactly that. Besides, why would I want to watch an honest an accurate depiction of what really went down? I get that by reading MSNBC, Fox, and watching Maria B. Oh wait a minute...
Feb 21, 2009 12:07 am

I’m not sure MSNBC and Fox are all that accurate either.

  But I get your point.    He is elitist.  It's ok for him to make money, but not for everybody else (a la Sicko).  That is hardly capitalist.  If you believe everybody should have an opportunity to make money if they work HARD, then you are a capitalist.    As for valid points,  even a broken clock is right twice a day..    
Feb 21, 2009 12:32 am

I don’t think Moore has a problem with people making money, I think he has a problem with HOW some people make money and what consideration is given to the consequences of their actions. Also, he goes after the guys that I think should be the most equipped to handle his onslaught. And since he’s the editor of the movie, of course they’re going to come off looking like idiots.

All I know is that if he ever makes a movie about me or the producers from 60 Minutes are calling my office, I’m screwed.

Hey, if I keep this dialogue going, will I eventually move up to Groupie from Newbie?