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The Unintended Consequences of Ownership Transfer PlanningThe Unintended Consequences of Ownership Transfer Planning

Three scenarios provide important lessons for attorneys and their clients

The Unintended Consequences of  Ownership Transfer Planning

Passing a family business successfully across generations is a dauntingly complex undertaking. Typical executive succession challenges—such as identifying the business’ leadership needs, finding the right person, preparing the organization and executing the handoff—are amplified by the infusion of emotion into the process. Decisions about who gets what and who’s in charge are tied into complicated family relationships and have long-lasting effects on self-worth, in addition to net-worth. It’s no wonder that the rate of successful cross-generational transfers in family companies is so low (about 30 percent, according to widely accepted figures).1  

Estate-planning attorneys play a critical role in the continuity challenge. Especially in th...

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About the Authors

Joshua M. Baron

Partner, Banyan Family Business Advisors

Marion McCollom Hampton

Senior Partner, BanyanGlobal

Dr. Marion McCollom Hampton is a co-founder and Senior Partner at BanyanGlobal. She has been active in the family business field for 25 years, and has been named a Fellow in the Family Firm Institute. She is co-author of a foundational work in the family business field, Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of the Family Business.

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