Exchange Traded FatigueExchange Traded Fatigue
Investors are overwhelmed by ETFs, SEI's new headquarters includes an "IdeaFarm" and the Fearless Girl statue gets an extended stay on Wall Street.
March 28, 2017
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Investors are starting to feel overwhelmed by ETFs. With thousands to choose from and the challenge of learning the increasingly complex strategies pushed by providers, investors are worried that a fund’s performance won’t align with expectations, according to E*TRADE’s latest “StreetWise” study. Rich Messina, E*Trade’s senior vice president of investment products, said millennials are more concerned about ETFs delisting than other age groups, but are attracted to less-traditional investments. Boomers, on the other hand, gravitate towards traditional ETFs and are more concerned about choosing the right one. Meanwhile, Gen X has expressed a greater interest in foreign market index ETFs and smart beta. Messina said it’s no surprise that investors are experiencing some “selection fatigue,” and that researching “the underlying positions of the ETF, the bid-ask spread, and the market capitalization” can reduce concerns.
SEI’s New Office an 18th Century Farmhouse
SEI has expanded its Oaks, Pa.-based headquarters to include a farmhouse built around 1740. The firm has renovated the farmhouse into what the company is calling IdeaFarm, a stimulating and interactive space meant to foster creativity. The IdeaFarm includes digital/touch-screen whiteboards, wireless audio, wireless projection, and software to facilitate mind mapping, card sorting and prototyping. Play-Doh, yo-yos, playbooks and Rubik’s cubes are meant to stimulate the brain. A wooden swing was crafted from the front end of a London taxi. SEI employees will be trained by third-party professionals to facilitate creative sessions at the farmhouse. “This space empowers forward thinking to explore next steps in business evolution, as well as grow ideas that enable our clients to take full advantage of our products and services,” said Russ Kliman, head of strategic programs and innovation for SEI.
'Fearless Girl' Staying on Wall Street
New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio has extended the permit of the "Fearless Girl" statue staring down the Wall Street "Charging Bull" in lower Manhattan, Business Insider reports. The statue, which was installed by State Street Global Advisors on International Women's Day, March 8, to advocate more gender diversity of corporate boards, was supposed to be taken down on April 2. However, the city, is now letting her stay until February of next year. A petition is also asking the city to make the statue a permanent fixture.