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Review of Reviews: “Defending Place-Based Philanthropy by Defining the Community Foundation,” Brigham Young University Law Review (forthcoming)Review of Reviews: “Defending Place-Based Philanthropy by Defining the Community Foundation,” Brigham Young University Law Review (forthcoming)

Roger Colinvaux, professor of law, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law in Washington, D.C.

Turney P. Berry, Partner

October 19, 2017

5 Min Read

Professor Roger Colinvaux is a frequent writer on charitable topics, particularly private foundations and community foundations (CFs). His article has three parts. First, he provides a thorough, excellent discussion of the history of CF regulation, from its 1914 beginning in Cleveland, through the Tax Reform Act of 1969 and the 1976 CF regulations, until 2014 when the charitable gift funds maintained by Fidelity, Schwab and Vanguard (in the author’s phrase, “national sponsoring organizations” (NSOs)) exceeded in asset value the donor-advised funds (DAFs) of the largest 274 traditional CFs. Any lawyer, trust officer, accountant or member of a family office who works with CFs will benefit from reading the review with some care.

CF law can b...

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About the Author

Turney P. Berry

Partner, Wyatt Tarrant & Combs LLP

Turney Berry is the leader of the Firm's Trusts, Estates & Personal Planning Service Team, he also serves on the Firm's Executive Committee.  He concentrates his practice in the areas of estate and business planning, estate and trust administration, and charitable giving and tax-exempt organizations.