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Achieving SitusAchieving Situs

Why ongoing trust administration is critical

Cynthia D.M. Brown, Daniel F. Haywardand 1 more

November 19, 2015

14 Min Read
Achieving Situs

Trust situs is a constantly evolving and complex subject. While interested parties to a trust often focus on selecting the best situs for tax savings or creditor protection, parties may overlook the significant role situs plays in a trust’s ongoing administration or its impact on taxation and the application of statutory and case law. 

In any discussion regarding trust situs, defining what’s meant by “situs” is critical. There can be multiple types of situs, including administrative situs, jurisdictional situs, tax situs and locational situs. Though certainly interconnected, establishing administrative situs in a state doesn’t, for example, necessarily mean that the trust’s tax situs or jurisdictional situs has also been established in th...

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About the Authors

Cynthia D.M. Brown

Cynthia D.M. Brown is president of Commonwealth Trust Company in Wilmington, Delaware.


Daniel F. Hayward

Daniel F. Hayward is a director at Gordon, Fournaris & Mammarella P.A. in Wilmington, Delaware.


Lynn Welch Watson

Lynn Welch Watson is vice president at Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company of Delaware, N.A. in Wilmington, Delaware.