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1. Social Media
Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Zoom meetings, blog postings, and various forms of content marketing have become the new normal to such an extent that the term “Zoom fatigue” has entered our lexicon. That said, well-executed Zoom meetings have effectively replaced in-office meetings with clients, prospects, and COIs. The key is making certain they’re well-executed and everyone is comfortable with the technology.
2. Emails
Short emails with creative subject lines and new information in the body will help to increase the odds of your email being opened. Only about 25% of sales emails are opened.
3. Personal Handwritten Notes
Pheelings Media/iStock/Getty Images Plus
When was the last time you received a handwritten note or card? These are becoming a rarity. This is why affluent clients appreciate the personal touch and many will actually save these handwritten notes.
4. Phone Calls
David De Lossy/Digital Vision/Thinkstock
The good old phone call has been elevated to a welcome form of personal communication. The key is to always make certain to include a personal component to your discussion – it can actually be the entire reason you’re reaching out.
5. Webinars
vladwel/iStock/Getty Images Plus
During times of uncertainty, people are thirsty for knowledge. You don’t have to have all the answers, but a bi-monthly educational webinar for clients, COIs, and prospects is an excellent medium for showcasing both your knowledge and professionalism.
6. Surprise and Delight Gifts
nikkytok/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Small, personalized gifts have always been a nice touch that tended to stimulate word-of-mouth-influence and unsolicited referrals – now, in the form of a COVID-19 Relief package, they’ve accelerated the spread of word-of-mouth as clients and COIs not only appreciate them but are communicating with people in their spheres-of-influence more frequently.
7. Interesting Articles
When you’re emotionally connected to your clients, sending an article of interest is one of the easiest ways to stay top-of-mind and provide value. Obviously, this requires you to really know your clients.
8. Text Messages
StockPhotosArt/iStock/Getty Images Plus
A quick note of thanks after a call, Zoom meeting, or following-up on any form of communication is a simple way of “staying top-of-mind” touch.
9. Voicemails
microgen/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Much like a text message, keep it short and sweet, whether it’s a follow-up or an attempt at having a conversation – a message is a positive touchpoint. Make it clear, concise, and audible!
10. Newsletters
CarmenMurillo/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Now that everyone is spending so much time on their computers, digital newsletters are being read more than ever. The key is to make them both relevant and personal. Even if it’s a compliance-approved stock newsletter, add a personal message.
11. Videos
FluxFactory/iStock/Getty Images Plus
This is an excellent medium for people to feel as though they’re having a personal interaction with you. Whether it’s clients, prospects, or COIs – short, content-focused videos that are well-produced are quite powerful. They enable you to share relevant information (content) and showcase your professionalism along with your personal style.
12. Face-to-Face Interactions
Drazen Zigic/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Be it in your office (fully masked) for a meeting, on the golf course, or at an outside cafe for a cup of coffee, face-to-face will never go away. Don’t be surprised if many of your affluent clients prefer a Zoom meeting to an in-office meeting, but would enjoy a round of golf, or a coffee at an outside cafe. Once again, the key is knowing your clients.