Cold Call 2008-08-01Cold Call 2008-08-01
Registered Rep.: What is your favorite cause? Jan Schalkwijk: That would have to be the environment. As an avid outdoor person, I rely on nature to recharge my batteries. RR: Who most inspired you to get involved in socially responsible investing? JS: Many people whose names I do not know. I spent a year traveling around the globe and developed a deep appreciation for the world's natural heritage
August 1, 2008
Halah Touryalai
Registered Rep.: What is your favorite cause?
Jan Schalkwijk: That would have to be the environment. As an avid outdoor person, I rely on nature to recharge my batteries.
RR: Who most inspired you to get involved in socially responsible investing?
JS: Many people whose names I do not know. I spent a year traveling around the globe and developed a deep appreciation for the world's natural heritage and its diverse people, along with a desire to protect these riches.
RR: What's the nicest thing a client has ever done for you?
JS: Let's see … Let me give all my clients kudos for being my biggest advocates. I also was impressed lately with a client who drove 250 miles roundtrip with the sole purpose of visiting my office.
RR: What's the most bizarre investment you've ever made?
JS: There are many opportunities to invest in bizarre investments in the clean tech and alternative energy sectors, but I mostly pass.
RR: How often do you meet with clients?
JS: Once a quarter on average, but it really depends on the client. With WebEx, Skype, etc., we have become quite creative with staying in touch outside of in-person contact.
RR: How did you get your first client?
JS: We met at a green festival. The next week I got an email, and we were off to the races.