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Maintaining Humanity in an Increasingly Robotic, Automated A.I. WorldMaintaining Humanity in an Increasingly Robotic, Automated A.I. World

While humans may not be fully replaceable, artificial intelligence and robots will displace a lot of service providers.


February 13, 2017

1 Min Read
robots lined up

I have been slow to accept that, from a service perspective, humans will ever be replaced by computers.

I’ve suggested that customers will resist “robots” and I’ve based my thinking in part on the “uncanny valley” hypothesis which postulates that the more robots look like humans the less humans will feel comfortable with them.

I am starting to rethink my assumptions and my conclusion. While humans may not be fully replaceable, I do believe artificial intelligence and robots will displace a lot of service providers. Here are a couple harbingers of the future…



About the Author


Look around; everything has changed—and it will continue to change. Nothing new there. What is new are the people that can make you grow faster, more knowledgeable, efficient, better decision makers, and more effective employers and they are now at your fingertips—a digital workforce—for you to read, study and connect with. IRIS is a collection of vetted experts, in unique areas that offer information and services to make managing your business and interacting with your clients more impactful. We also offer a little candy that will help make your clients even stickier. We won’t bug you by trying to sell you things, provide editorials, or musings about who’s moved where—others do that very nicely. IRIS is not about the people behind it, it’s about all of the experts on the site sharing their knowledge and giving you something new and different to absorb and think about.  Pardon us if we’re a little disruptive along the way—after all, we do want your attention.