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Jun 21, 2010 4:49 pm

Checked on FINRA.  Alan is no longer associated with ej.  the funny part is that all it states on the BrokerCheck report is that he is not currently registered with a FINRA firm and 

 "Are there events disclosed about this broker? No "   so when does the inquistion commence?

Jun 21, 2010 8:15 pm

Here's the inquisition:

Jones: Alan, did you copy and paste that WSJ article? 

Alan:  Yep.

Jones:  Alan, you're fired.  

Alan:  Where can I pick up my check for my millions in GP? 

Jones:  It's in the mail. 

What kind of inquisition are you expecting?

Jun 22, 2010 5:49 am

ej fired their head of equity research, but yet there doesn't seem to be anything like that mentioned on his U4....I wonder why that is?

 I guess you don't see the problem with that scenerio?  I wonder if FINRA, NYSE and others where Mr. Skarainka was registered will will share your view. Not to mention the organizations and writers that Skrainka failed to make attributes too.

beside since when does ej take 4 weeks for the U4 to be filed if the situation is as simple as you claim? don't give me the line of liquidating the GP.

Jun 22, 2010 11:40 am

In my experience I have never seen someone who was terminated from Jones have it noted on their U-4. Now, some FA's might have incidents on there but in terms of inappropriate conduct I've yet to see it.

Jun 22, 2010 12:57 pm


ej fired their head of equity research, but yet there doesn't seem to be anything like that mentioned on his U4....I wonder why that is?

 I guess you don't see the problem with that scenerio?  I wonder if FINRA, NYSE and others where Mr. Skarainka was registered will will share your view. Not to mention the organizations and writers that Skrainka failed to make attributes too.

beside since when does ej take 4 weeks for the U4 to be filed if the situation is as simple as you claim? don't give me the line of liquidating the GP.


Wouldn't it be easier if you just CALLED someone at RRep or the WSJ and told them to do a story on it?  Seriously, I mean, that's what you're trying to do here, so just do it.  Unfortunately, you might be the only one who reads the story.

Jun 22, 2010 2:02 pm

I'm no U4 expert, but I would guess that since he didn't break any industry regulations there wouldn't be anything that goes on his U4.  While what he did is incredibly stupid, I don't think anyone is goint to take him to arbitration over it.  You weren't seriously expecting to find "plagiarism" on his U4 were you?  Just for a point of reference, Van Pearcy got fired from Jones for sexual harrassment.  Look at his Broker Check page and it say the same thing as Alan's:  Are there events disclosed about this broker?  No. 

Is it possible, maybe even plausible, that the only thing going on here is that Alan got fired from Jones for not attributing quotes to the correct author and there was a legitimate reason it took so long for it to show on his U4?  What's the normal time for something like that?  48 hours?  2 weeks?  A month?     

What is it with you people that think that everything EDJ does is some nefarious plot? 

Jun 22, 2010 5:37 pm

This man was ultimately responsible for ensure that ALL research material is compliant with all regulations.  He held Series 16, 24 and 87.  So not only was his research published but he approved other analysts research before it was published.  The way the rules are set up a Series 16 can review and approve every-ones work, but when the Series 16 submits his own work HIS work must be reviewed by a Series 24.

 Having dealt with FINRA and it's predecessors (as a compliance officer) I can tell you from personal experience that once the investigator sees a problem they need to check beyond "the wound", they need to know what caused it and if the cause was an isolated incident or systemic.   Skrainka has only worked for one firm and the concern is not only who knew what and when but if they knew why wasn't it properly contained earlier.

 The head of research gets fired "with cause" as per InvestmentNews and you two bumble-heads (b24 and spaceman spiff) believe that it does NOT have to be disclosed on the fired person's U4?  are you guys from ej for real?  instead of spending your time posting on this forum you spend the time reviewing .....rather LEARNING what compliance and BEST PRACTICES truly mean.

 As for the sexual harassment charge, was that disclosed in the press?   if it was please post the link here or PM me with it. If you are talking about the guy in TX then this happened more than 9 years ago and regulatory standards have changed as has the management at your company (well okay not THAT has changed)  is this guy you are referring to?

what about his school board affiliations that he's on did they not do a due diligence on him?  Would disclosure of such things would have had him resign?

Any chance it was a rumor started by.......gasp (St. Louis)..... because he left for Raymond James and took what was then a HUGE book from EJ and now it's nearly TRIPLE that amount?

Jun 22, 2010 7:21 pm
xej1984 not sure what kind of compliance officer you were but terminations are reported on the U5 and are not made public....RE3 filings and other disciplinary actions are reported on the U6, not public either I dont work for Jones, but if the guy actually left for Raymond James and Jones falsely reported he was fired,  how big of a check do you think Jones would be writing? 
Jun 23, 2010 12:17 am


I stand corrected. terminations are reported via U-5.  the RE-3 form filing is made by the firm to FIRNA  and must be reported on the U-6 , NONE of which are  NOT of public record. 

My apologies as I wrote faster than I remembered my previous life (yes it's been such awhile that there wasn't a U-6 form....okay I dated myself) .