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Scottrade Offer. Thoughts?

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Apr 7, 2014 8:16 pm

I know, I know... Scottrade. I've seen many of the old comments. OK, be frank, but don't beat up on me.  I've got an offer from Scottrade and I want some feedback from peers.

Been at WFA for 18 months with good number of accounts but my revenue wasn't cutting it.  I like the business, enjoy helping people get their financial lives straight, feel like I'm pretty good at it, just not enough of a killer to convert 250-300 dials a day.  I'm good across the table though.  I've got "Know-Like-Trust"  coming out my ears.  Here's the thing, I've tapped my resources and with a family can't finance building a book for another three years.  Scottrade offering $47K base plus incentives.
Does anyone know what their competitors (Fidelity, ETrade, Schwab, TDAmeritrade, TIAA) are like?  I know I'll be a "bottle-fed baby" but the structure plays to my strengths.  Feedback on comp, culture, brand comparison please.  I understand no portability.  Scottrade feels a little like the runt of the pack.  Thoughts?
Much appreciated.