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Jun 19, 2006 10:53 pm

The B/D BrokersXpress.  I saw them on the Rep front page and filled in their info for information.  I have helped a relative trade options through their sister company, OptionsXpress and was impressed by the amount of research etc that was available to their retail clients.  If anyone out there is using Pershi* as their platform, you’ll know what I mean.  The EVP called me and told me they use Bisys (?) for their insurance side.  I have no knowledge or experience with Bisys either.  Any info or opinion on these two companies would be appreciated.  Info on the B/D you’re with now will probably be of little use to me.  I’m still with an insurance based broker and although they are extremely large and continuing to buy businesses, they’re still behind the curve on the equities side or anything other than VUL or annuities.  Bring it on, bring it on.  Pick up your skirt and grab your ankles cause this trade is going to knock you over.  If your grandparents won’t place CD’s with you…you might be a broker, or a redneck.