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What do you think of Ja*** Capital Group?

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Jun 28, 2009 10:15 pm

With regards to using Ja*** for their mutual funds (of all sorts), what do you think of the company in terms of:

1) Fund performance/management
2) Fund selection
3) Customer service (to advisors and clients)

I know Ja*** is a big company with funds here and there that I like, but in the field, I rarely come across other advisors, planners, brokers, etc. that use Ja*** often.  Does anyone here like doing business with Ja***?

Jun 28, 2009 10:17 pm

Lmao, okay, the website blocked out the fact that the company I’m referring to is J-A-N-U-S.

Jun 29, 2009 12:42 pm

What does this site have against a*** and c***?