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Walk me through a day in the life of a new FA

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Apr 22, 2011 5:34 am

Alright, I previously posted that I am brand new to the industry, just out of college. I just got the green light to be hired from a small company called Independent Capital Management ( as a financial specialist. I’m going to be doing primary training and then I’m assuming I’ll actually get “started.” What exactly does this mean? I’m not exactly sure what a new financial advisor can do? I’ve read some posts where people were simply cold calling people all day… I’ve been told that I will have the chance to get referrals through seminars, going to local chamber of commerce, trade shows, etc but how much time could that possibly take? What potential things could I be doing? I’m just trying to work this out…  

Apr 22, 2011 1:59 pm

Posted by gethardgetraw

7:30 AM - Arrive. Read emails, msgs, check inventories, headlines. Coffee, music
8:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
8:50 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market.
9:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
9:50 AM - Coffee, music
10:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
10:50 AM - Coffee, music
11:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
11:50 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market
12:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
12:50 PM - Coffee, music
1:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
1:50 PM - Coffee, music
2:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
2:50 PM - Coffee, EAT, music
3:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
3:50 PM - Coffee, music, check market
4:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
4:50 PM - Coffee, music
5:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
5:50 PM - EAT, music
6:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
6:50 PM - Music
7:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing cold calls
7:50 PM - Check tomorrow's schedule 
8:00 PM – Leave

Welcome to the business

Apr 22, 2011 2:07 pm

thats great, spot on

Apr 25, 2011 5:34 am

Hahaha, that's so true.  If I did that, I wouldn't have failed out.  Sad, but true.

The best thing you can do right now is getting that massive list together, and, if possible, start scrubbing it against the DNC list.