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MSSB has hundreds of ads on career builder?

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Jul 4, 2009 2:16 am

My son who just went through the interviewing process noted that yesterday MSSB posted new FA positions for nearly every office in the Country on Career Builder and their website. Looks like it is done through the Morgan Stanley site only. I went Indy from ML, so have no clue what they are doing.

Are MS and Smith Barney still running their own shops, training, and branches or is it being consolidated? Looks like the SMith Barney apply process on their website is far different from the least that is what son says.....   Any insights are appreciated.
Jul 6, 2009 10:52 pm

As far as I know the hiring process is still separate. As far as every branch listed as hiring, that’s probably true always. As like many companies, they are always taking applications. They’re just waiting for the right candidate to come along.

Jul 7, 2009 9:13 pm

He better hit his targets or its adiós in short order. I have a friend who is a “pace setter” with a couple years of tenure. He’s the only on left in the bull pen of a sizable office in a metro area.