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Military Transition?

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Aug 9, 2014 3:30 pm

I'm an active duty servicemember considering a transition to Edward Jones via their FORCES program.  I've intereviewed a number of FAs in my local area, ranging from 3 years experience to 20+, all of who had wonderful things to say about EJ.  Ideally, I'd open a branch outside of Raleigh as I've heard the city and surrounding areas are growing quickly.

My question is whether any FAs on here with a prior military background found this a help/hindrance in their efforts to build a practice. Thanks.

Apr 23, 2015 10:18 pm

Hey HMsbounty! I am a Naval Officer and also looking into the Edward Jones FORCES program. I would like to know any information you receive as well.

Apr 23, 2015 10:20 pm

Hey HMsbounty! I am a Naval Officer and also looking into the Edward Jones FORCES program. I would like to know any information you receive as well.