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Ladies, Have Some Pride

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Jul 30, 2005 6:36 pm

As I was walking home it occurred to me that there is not a single woman who has joined the Top Gun Producer website.

That would be, of course, because women, even girls, have standards that the "Hey wanna look at these pictures of naked girls with me" boys who run that site do not.

Please ladies who read this forum--do not debase yourself by reading, much less posting, anything on that forum.

Have some pride.

Jul 30, 2005 10:04 pm

[quote=Puts Wife]

Put Trader cannot do basic math. We all knew this already, but he just added more proof. 

There's over two dozen female members, including several regulars.


No doubt you have some stupid trollops as friends who "joined" as a favor to you.

My bad.  No woman with any class or self respect would join in your celebration of how stupidity can manifest itself when it has its own website.

Jul 31, 2005 6:12 am

[quote=Seven 28]

As I was walking home it occurred to me that there is not a single woman who has joined the Top Gun Producer website.

That would be, of course, because women, even girls, have standards that the "Hey wanna look at these pictures of naked girls with me" boys who run that site do not.

Please ladies who read this forum--do not debase yourself by reading, much less posting, anything on that forum.

Have some pride.


And how exactly do you know if they are male or female?