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How to start an RIA

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Nov 21, 2010 2:11 am

Hi. I need advice on what the best method will be to launch
a career in investment management.

I am a Quantitative Analyst and have been working in the
Hedge Fund Industry. I am good with building various models and many of my
models have been making money consistently for my employer fund. I am very good
with equities, fixed income, derivatives, structured products and commodities.
I have worked in long/short, value, global macro, Stat Arb, Convertible Arb and
emerging market strategies. I want to start my own fund but seed capital is, as
you all know, hard to come by. So I decided that instead of concentration on
just institutional investors and pension funds, I might as well work with individuals
and build my business before gaining enough base to launch a fund.

I have no idea on the advisory/retail side of the business
nor do I know which is the best model to start a firm. I was thinking of
starting a RIA and giving fee based advice and build some assets to manage. Can
you pros please advice me on how to start off and guide me on the right
business model. Appreciate the help.