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Feb 7, 2010 3:23 pm

I passed my Group 1 and do not know where to start? I am considered independent for now and appointed myself with Aetna. Blue Cross needs an errors and ommissions policy that runs about 1500 a year for a million dollar coverage. Do each of these firms provide good training? Or should i join an insurance company and get experience first and split my commission etc?

Feb 7, 2010 3:36 pm

[quote=bulllives]I passed my Group 1 and do not know where to start? I am considered independent for now and appointed myself with Aetna. Blue Cross needs an errors and ommissions policy that runs about 1500 a year for a million dollar coverage. Do each of these firms provide good training? Or should i join an insurance company and get experience first and split my commission etc? [/quote]

Are you planning on only selling group coverage or do you plan to do individual and med advantage/supp as well?