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Jul 2, 2009 6:39 pm


Jul 2, 2009 8:47 pm

I am wit LPL our E& O just went up to $2,500 + $500 if you do insurance. $2,200 sounds good to me.

  Your six & 63 may be the reason it is cheaper.  
Jul 2, 2009 8:54 pm

I am becoming a rep for a large insurance/financial co on their independent side.  The commissions are 70% which is great.  However, I feel like I was bait and switched a bit.  I get the job, get my 6 and get my 63, now they tell me I have to pay $2200 a year for 2MM in E&O (and I’m not allowed to shop around, hello kickbacks) and $2400 a year for software, rep fee, and some bs email account I will probably never use.  Is this normal?  I’m trying to start in this business and paying ~$5k a year upfront kills my fn cash flow!!!

    You should have went to Jones, their reps don't have to worry about paying for anything out of pocket.
Jul 2, 2009 8:56 pm

You don’t have a choice about the e-mail account.  They have to be able to monitor you.

Jul 2, 2009 9:02 pm

Bummer about the out of pocket but if anything ever happens it will have been the best investment you ever made.

Jul 2, 2009 10:30 pm

blow me alice

im good now, my budget just didn't expect it, wife is trying to stay home with my 4 month old...needed to vent
Jul 2, 2009 10:41 pm

[quote=passivesf]blow me alice

im good now, my budget just didn't expect it, wife is trying to stay home with my 4 month old...needed to vent[/quote]

Pussy, why did you delete your post? You may want to ask your wife to advertise her services on craigslist to take the edge off of the cost of doing business.