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Bank of America - Premier Client Mgr

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May 25, 2006 12:28 am

Sorry for the double post, thought this might be more appropriate here

Anybody know anything about these positions? Are they product pushing positions w/ income potential of ~$50k or can they be cushy 6 figure ‘Private Banking’ jobs?

May 25, 2006 2:45 am

[quote=coastal1]Sorry for the double post, thought this might be more appropriate here

Anybody know anything about these positions? Are they product pushing positions w/ income potential of ~$50k or can they be cushy 6 figure 'Private Banking' jobs?[/quote]

They're middle market relationship banking positions. Not like PB at all.

May 25, 2006 4:21 am

9 MM a qtr to get a 5 k bonus on a 55k base…forget it…go sell cars

May 25, 2006 11:16 am

They are “Pikers”, and very bad salespeople.

May 25, 2006 2:57 pm

9 MM a qtr to get a 5 k bonus on a 55k base…forget it…go sell cars

that sounds better than the first couple years of working retail, no?

[QUOTE] They are "Pikers", and very bad salespeople. [/quote]

whats a piker? why are they worse than other salespeople?
May 25, 2006 3:46 pm

[quote=bankfa10] 9 MM a qtr to get a 5 k bonus on a 55k base…forget it…go sell cars

that sounds better than the first couple years of working retail, no?

[QUOTE] They are "Pikers", and very bad salespeople. [/quote]

whats a piker? why are they worse than other salespeople?[/quote]

What's a piker?

lol...walk into most any neighborhood bank branch....see the guy in the blue sears polyester suit sitting in the "financial advisors" cube with his stacks of annuity literature?  THAT's a piker!!!