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10M AUM,...What can I expect next?

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Nov 28, 2005 11:04 pm

I am just completing my first full year in this biz.    I have managed to grow my AUM from around 2M to 11M of which 6M are annuitized.

I have heard that gathering the first 10M is the toughest.

From those who have been thru this process what can I expect going forward as I build my practice?  

Does it get any easier?

Thanks in advance.


Nov 28, 2005 11:16 pm

If you treat them right referrals will follow.

Nice job!

Nov 28, 2005 11:28 pm

As I do my reviews with my customers I will always ask for referrals as I don't expect them just to roll in by magic.

Since holiday time is upon us I do plan on sending out holiday cards to my customers.    Maybe that will generate something even though I plan on just sending a card with good tidings.   No biz cards enclosed or anything solictious in nature.


Nov 29, 2005 12:57 am

Since holiday time is upon us I do plan on sending out holiday cards to my customers."

You may want to start calling them 'clients'. Even if they are 'customers' to you, if you ever slip up and call them or others your 'customers', your 'clients' may be taking their business elsewhere. People have such a negative perception of being a customer, and if you catch a troublesome client on the wrong day, they may not enjoy that too much... Granted thats not the most important post, but just a thought.

Nov 29, 2005 11:25 pm

Good job, pretty good AUM under mgt. in just one year.  If you brought all of that in yourself it is excellent.  What firm are  you at?  What was your primary means of prospecting.  Thanks.