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Investment Policy Stmts for Clients

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Apr 24, 2008 12:28 am

For all you Indy folks out there

Do any of you use Investment Policy Statement for client accounts?? 
1.  Basically I am looking for a form/questionaiire that I go through with clients.  Asking them about risk, reasonable rate of return, background, investment experience.

2.  The next thing I am looking for is something that puts all of that together in an easy to understand proposal that says something like "Mr Client you said a reasonable rate of return was 8% and based on your investment experience I suggest we invest in X, Y, and Z.  This should provide you x percent over y years."

This was very easy at a wirehouse, but not sure where to look on the Indy side.

THANKS in advance.

Apr 24, 2008 11:56 am

Here’s one option.

Apr 25, 2008 12:39 am

Looks pretty good Morph.  Do you use it?  If so, pros? cons?  THANK YOU!

Apr 25, 2008 1:45 am

Cadillac version of IPS and proposal generation: ASI Advisor Solutions.

Here’s a link to a PDF file of a sample IPS/Proposal:

It’s what you truly want in terms of an integrated investment proposal and IPS generator.

If you are looking for a simple version of a questionnaire leading to a summary allocation recommendation, you should really look to the Morningstar Principia product. They have a risk assessment module that is simple, excellent, and gives you rates of return for the blended portfolio that is most appropriate for your client.

Make it easy to use and simple enough that the clients can understand.

Good luck.


Apr 25, 2008 2:20 am

Captain, thanks for the link. (If you click on it, and it doesn’t work, copy the pdf link into another browser).

That's a beautiful IPS, but do you think a client would like it?  It's VERY complex for the average client.  Can the Advisor Solutions product produce a simpler version, or is that it?